User Manual


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Where is the 'PasswordVault Server' preferences folder?
A. The location of this folder depends on the operating system you are using. To open the PasswordVault Server preferences folder, simply hold down the Control (Ctrl) and Shift keys while selecting 'Admin->Open Logs Folder' from the menu. You will then find a folder named 'com.lavasoftware.pvserver' opened on the desktop.

If you can't get into PasswordVault Server to use the above method, you should directly locate the PasswordVault Server preferences folder. It's exact location depends on which operating system version you are using, but typical paths are shown below:

On MacOS X, the preferences folder can be found at '<Username>/Library/Application Support/com.lavasoftware.pvserver'.

On Windows,
the PasswordVault preferences folder may be found at:
C:\Documents and Settings\<
Username>\Application data\com.lavasoftware.pvserver

Revision history

[Opt] = Optimization
[Bug] = Bug Fix
[New] = New Feature
[Wrk] = WorkAround
[Note] = Application note

1.0.2 (24 September 2014)
[Bug] The version text at the bottom right of the main window does not move correctly when the main window is resized.

1.0.1 (21 August 2014)
[New] The free Enterprise Edition Lite has been released.
[Opt] The server SSL certificate has been upgraded.
[Opt] On the Windows version, a File->Quit menu item has been added.
[Bug] When a new user logs in, they are not immediately added to the user count displayed in 'Licensed users'.

1.0.0 (1 August 2014) Initial release